Black Friday Bonanza: The $4 Billion Affiliate Payday

For the average American, December means vacation, time with the family, and shopping. While some disagree that escaping work to have more time with their in-laws is a good thing, all Americans can agree on one thing: No matter what your plans are for the holidays, you’re going to do more shopping in a span […]

SelfAdvertiser: Get High Quality Targeted Traffic [bonus Inside]

SelfAdvertiser has been integrated in TrackingDesk for quite a while now and users love it for its high quality traffic and the volume they can deliver on demand. Even if you know the steps to manage your traffic well, using a reliable traffic source with a tracking platform gives you more leverage to lift conversions. No matter what ad […]

4 Secrets to Gain Visitor Trust and increase conversions

Getting the right visitors from the right traffic source is hard work.  Even when they click on your ad (we all know how expensive clicks can get) and arrive on your landing page, it takes under 15 seconds for them to decide to stay or bounce. This decision is often made half subconsciously and half consciously. […]

9 Reasons Why Your CTA is Killing Your Conversion Rate

When I got hired at TrackingDesk this blog post was the first thing Laurent saw that motivated him to set up an interview.  After getting his trust, I decided I might take advantage of the opportunity to get more traffic on my medium blog (just kidding, I promise it’s useful content;). But anyways, the mighty […]